“Overall it was an ok night here for us at Homestead. I appreciate Champion Power Equipment being on board with us for this final race of the season, and appreciate all their support over the years. Really, we wanted to have a better run that this, but ended up eighth. We were decent at the beginning of the race, when we had some track position. We gave it up a little bit, about a third of the way through the race, and we just weren’t great enough to overcome that. We finished eighth, but maybe had about a sixth-place truck there at the end. I’m proud of the effort that everyone put in – everyone really dug deep all year. We know the areas we have to work on. There’s no one big area that we’re down on, we just need to step it up in a few places, and we’ll be a contender.”

(Photo by Sarah Crabill/Getty Images)
Homestead Race Information:
Started: 4th
Finished: 8th
Laps: 134/134
Laps Led: 0
Status: Running
Driver Points: 11th
Owner Points: 13th
2017 Stats:
Starts: 23
Laps Completed: 3247 of 3432
Laps Led: 41
Wins: 0
Top-5 Finishes: 9
Top-10 Finishes: 15
Average Start: 11.0
Average Finish: 9.4